Tuesday 3 August 2010

NHM Part Two

The blog experiment seemed to work so here are a few more pics. Oh by the way, I did have to do some editing on the pc. The pics just weren't sized right but the edits took all of five minutes to finish.

Alright back to the dinosaurs. That's the Camarasaur again just from down below. Now were going back up the staircase to the upper walkway again to pick up where we left off. It really was a brilliant idea to let people walk along at eye level with these skeletons.
This of course is an Albertosaur, relative of Mr. and Mrs. Rex although they probably didn't socialize all that much. If you look close at the teeth in these last two pics you can see one is (oops that should be was) a meat eater and the other just munched a little bit on plants.


This little dude is a stegosaur. But of course not just any stegosaur. This is Tuojianosaurus, the first stegosaur discovered from China. Apparently those upright plates on the back were supposed to help with defense. Something about discouraging meat eaters. Hmmm, do you really think an Albertosaur thinks all that much, ever, I mean especially about the size of a stegosaurs plates. He or she is going to rush in and try to kill it and then eat it if it succeeds. Dino, avoid them plates, they nasty (That's not really my idea of how a dinosaur might talk even if it could).
I guess I don't really have any ideas for what they were really used for, probably just used to impress the ladies or ladies impressing the men. Feel free to leave your ideas in the comment section. Now where was I, oh yeah dinosaurs.


These little guys have got to be what the velociraptors from Jurassic Park were based on. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Anyway the two on the right have fed recently as they are quite active and I must say they look a bit better than the skinny guys next to them. They are called Dromaeosaurus and apparently liked to hunt in packs.
Ok time for the coolest dinosaur of all.

Tyrannosaurus (animated)

No not him and no it's not me either. It's this.

Deinocheirus (the arms are 2.5 meters long)

Ok it's just the claws, arms, and shoulders of some creature which has never actually been found. There is a skeleton out there some where that is missing a few parts. This thing had to be really cool, I'm thinking even way cooler than most Scooby-do monsters. Alright maybe I went too far with that one. Please send drawings of what you think this creature might have looked like. I promise to include the ones that are good in a future post.


MomtoEleanor said...

Oh, how I wish I could draw and give you a body for those rockin Dino arms...Glad your blog is back!! We have one too, now, for Eleanor, but it's just goofy baby stuff, no skeletons! :) Anyway, hope you're doing well out there!!--Melanie

Melanie Baur said...

Ugh, didn't mean to link it to my personal blog. How lame. Ignore that, this is our Baby thang :)--Mel


I thought I was going to see pictures of insects, not dinosaurs. Aren't you supposed to be working on insects? Isn't this like going on your honeymoon and posting pictures of other women not-your-wife to your blog about your honeymoon? Are dinosaurs the new insects? Are you sad that scientists are now saying there was no such thing as a triceratops? First they take away Pluto, now triceratops? What will they take from us next?

DP said...

Dear I Am, No one ever said this was a blog about insects. Just because one works on something doesn't mean he has to blog about it. Triceratops (the name)apparently will not go away as it has priority over Torosaurus. Pluto, not missing so much.

JEFF said...

Hi Dave, glad your blogging again! What an awesome structure that museum is! I'd like to see more photos of it. The dinos are great; I prefer them over bugs any day! Bet it's pretty scary at night with all those dinosaurs running around. Be safe. Love, Jeff