Friday 1 August 2008

I Want To Believe

On Wednesday, I decided to attend the UK premier of the new X-Files movie in Leicester Square. Well I guess it wasn't exactly attending the premier since I didn't have tickets for the movie but instead I got to see a bunch of people walk around on a red carpet. Some of these people were even famous. Well, to say the least I wasn't alone. There were thousands and all of them had cameras and/or things to be autographed.


I used to be a fan of the series although I have not seen all the episodes (yet). For those of you that don't know the last show of the series was on TV some 6 years ago. The series ran for 9 seasons starting in 1993 and ending in 2002, they made 202 episodes (read more about it here). Well in any case there are much more obsessed fans out there than me. A lot of them were here and from what I heard they started leaning on the barricades at noon.


These people were still a good distance from all the TV cameras. I was a bit further away than that but as it happened I wasn't too bad off. So let me say that first of all if you are going to do something like this get there really early or have a great camera with a big lens. By the way, thanks to Cheryl and all of the Braunstein and Pollock like people for the birthday present, I've now got a great camera and a lens (Thanks Jerry) that allowed me to show up at 5:15 for the 6:00 pm start.


Once the stars started showing up, the whole area in front of the casino and even where I was turned into a very loud and crazy place. I could barely hear myself scream over all the noise everyone else was making.


First to show up was Chris Carter, the shows creator and the biggest reason the series and this movie were made. After he got out of his car he walked in pretty much the only direction where I couldn't get a clear shot. Luckily for me he got a call from his mom and I was able to get this shot before he had to run inside in order to hear anything. He did come back out to sign autographs later but not anywhere near me. But that's ok, this guy below arrived shortly afterward.


This is David Duchovney who plays Fox Mulder in the movie. He did a lot of autograph signing and actually seemed to enjoy the screaming where as I thought he would be a little too cool to put up with all of this for very long. Whenever he would turn, the crowds in that direction would scream even louder to try to get him to come over and on most occasions it seemed to work. Notice I have been successful in framing all of my shots between peoples heads, it's really not that easy, especially when they get farther away.X-Files-(7)-w

So I decided at this point I should probably just take a few photos without other peoples heads framing the subject. Here are a few.X-Files-(14)-w



Gillian Anderson who plays Dana Scully arrived shortly after David, unfortunately I couldn't get much of a picture. She didn't work the crowd anywhere near where I was but she also had a pretty good excuse as she is over 6 months pregnant. Here are just a few of my attempts.


I don't think she meant to be this hard to photograph so I didn't take it personally.


If the lady in white wasn't so rude this might have been a good picture. But since this is the X-Files we could just say that Scully has found a way to climb out of this ladies head. Notice the lady on the right sticking her head out of some ones shoulder. Maybe this is just a preview of the next movie and it just took a keen eyed photographer to catch their subtle hints.


Another of the major forces behind the X-Files is Frank Spotnitz. He came along somewhere in the 2nd season as a story editor and stuck with the program until the end and even beyond where he was also a major part behind this movie.


I'm not sure who this is so if you have a name please send me a note.

The guys below apparently belong to a band called McFly. No, I've never heard of them but there was a lot of screaming when they came by so I took pictures of them too. I figured that if you could wear such a cool shirt under a suit jacket then you couldn't be all bad.



So that's it for me from the X-files Movie premier. I'll actually go and see the movie sometime later today. I can't wait.

If there are still a few of you out there that want more premier stuff here is a You-Tube video from It was taken from much closer to the action than I ever got. It's not bad, a little long, check it out only if you are interested.


MelanieNYC said...

Thanks for the update, this looks like a madhouse! Your new camera is apparently rockin, though!! :)

Miss you guys!

Deb said...

I am soooo jealous Dave! I was a big fan of the show. I haven't seen it in a while. I want to see the movie, don't know when, I don't think the MC should go. Miss you, looking forward to your return.
