Sunday 3 August 2008

Birthday Wishes to Me

Hi All,

I had a birthday just the other day and thought I should share the video made by Joe and Deb featuring the monster children. Somehow I had managed to fly to Virginia to be a co-star in this video although I seem to have gotten shorter and my hair is a bit longer. I think I'm looking more like one of the members of ZZ Top. I love the impression of Slam. You can really tell he loves the monster children. I also have included a don't miss video of the monster children that I might have mentioned before but thought I would put it here for easy access.

Also since I figure only family members will have read this far I have put up a bunch of pictures at another site. Lots of family pictures (the latest are of Charli and the Grandparents) (hopefully more soon), lots of Jean Steinberg's pictures, and crazy ramblings from me (not so much of that yet but I'm working on it).

Video: DSCF0458

Video: Family

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