Wednesday 16 April 2008

Late Breaking News

Unofficially Cheryl Braunstein placed second among US women at the Rotterdam Marathon on 13 April 2008. Cheryl, her time just slightly short of her personal best, was overjoyed at such a high placement. "Luckily the rain held off and the course was flat and that helped my time" said Cheryl in the after race interview. Unfortunately Cheryl had suffered stomach problems at the beginning of the race which slowed her quite a bit. Muscle cramps near the end of the race also slowed her down but overall she was glad she raced. When asked about plans for the future marathons she said this was her last one (until the next one) and planned to only run shorter distances in the near future. Stay tuned for Cheryl's future race schedule.

See videos of her performance below.

Bib F1093


Cheryl Braunstein


Washington, DC


Fortis Marathon Rotterdam



Overall place

5578 / 6903

Category place



9,331 Km/Hour

Gross time


Net time


Net split times (difference)

5 Kilometer

28:44 (28:44)

10 Kilometer

56:52 (28:08)

15 Kilometer

1:25:36 (28:44)

20 Kilometer

1:57:24 (31:48)

Half marathon


25 Kilometer

2:30:33 (33:09)

30 Kilometer

3:03:07 (32:34)

35 Kilometer

3:39:59 (36:52)

40 Kilometer

4:16:33 (36:34)

This just in: Cheryl Braunstein's pre race diet might have led to the stomach problems that slowed her pace during the first half of the marathon. This photo suggests some strange eating habits, but Miss Braunstein was unavailable for comment.

More on Cheryl's April visit later.
Congratulations Cheryl!!!!!!

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