Sunday 20 April 2008

Cheryl and Robyn

This will be an extremely short post since I am exploring a new (to me) program to help me with posting. The name of the program is Windows Live Writer. I've had a few issues with it but hopefully I have worked them all out. The last post Tulips Everywhere!!! was my first try with this program and it really made things go a lot faster. So if posting is easier, than you will probably see a lot more of these short quick ones.
I thought this was a great picture of Cheryl and Robyn (taken by Robyn's Grandmother Jean).

Cheryl&Robin 19Apr2008

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This picture is also very special because it shows both the artist and the subject with the original artwork! Keep a copy of this post... It may be worth money some day!
-Signed, the Artist's Mother