Thursday 25 October 2007

Huge Day, I Mean Really Big

Hi All,

As many of you know, Sunday the 28th of October, 2007 is a huge day in and around Washington, DC. The 32nd Marine Corps Marathon is taking place and Cheryl is running.

That's 26.2 miles or 42.195 km.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Go Cheryl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I thought this would be the perfect time to let her know how proud I am of her for doing this. The training and dedication she has shown in preparing for this event was monumental. Working full time, managing all of our bills and finances, taking care of two sometimes wonderful dogs, and putting up with a husband that is off working somewhere in London for months at a time is pretty remarkable. She also manages to swim 3 to 4 days a week and bike to work the majority of the time. So in my own simple way, I just want to let her know how much I appreciate all of her hard work, dedication, and love. I miss her and really wish I could be there at the finish line.

So since I can't actually be there in person I will stalk her over the internet. I mean keep track of her running times as she passes certain points in the run. Everybody who wants to can do the same by going to this site and filling out a small form. Free updates will be sent to your cell phone and/or your email address. More information on the run can be found at this website.

Hopefully, friends and family that are in D.C. will take a lot of pictures and email them to me so I can post them here next week.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Go Cheryl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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