Tuesday 30 October 2007

Cheryl's Marathon

!!!!!!!Way to go Cheryl!!!!!!!!

Hi All,
Well you probably have all heard by now that Cheryl finished the running of the 32nd Marine Corp Marathon.
This is Cheryl around mile 12 looking great.

Approximately 30,000 runners signed up to take part in the Marine Corp Marathon. There were 20,677 finishers of the marathon and 2692 finishers of the 10k option. Cheryl's times are below. As you can see she did a fantastic job.

For those interested the link below shows Cheryl's time compared to other runners.
One more link from the Washington Post video coverage of the finish. Look for the clock to say 4:40:22 to see Cheryl cross the line.

By the way this is Cheryl's second marathon. She ran the Chicago Marathon way back in October of 2001. She says only one more marathon is in her future and that would be the London Marathon in April, that is if she gets in through the lottery drawing.
So now it's picture time. First of all there were an awful lot of people there cheering for the runners.

Cheryl is pretty much dead center in this photo behind the person in the light blue top and cap. Click on the picture and you can see her a little better.

Amongst this mass of humanity were a few special cheerleaders. We refer to them as Cheryl's Cheering Squad, boy can they make some noise. These are the nieces, Maddy, Betty, and Nan.
Great signs!!!!




They even arranged for a band to play for Cheryl when she ran past. They probably played for some of the other runners as well since they were there and had a little time on their hands.

Cheryl might be in this picture. Let me know if you can spot her. I haven't been able to pick her out.

Ok, we don't know anyone in this picture but I was amazed at how fast the runner in dark blue appeared to be going.

Apparently all the runners were suppose to get one of these in their post race sponsor bags. I'm not sure what happened to Cheryl's.

This is Cheryl after the run looking pretty good. Finally a picture with me in it, sort of. I'm the one on the other end of the phone.

This is most of the rest of the family cheering squad that followed Cheryl around the course. That is my brother Joe in the back and my Mom and Dad amongst the nieces. Sister-in-Law Debi is taking the picture.
Special thanks to Debi and Joe for taking all the pics. My mom's pictures are still to come. I'll post them when I get them.
Everybody feel free to post your comments to Cheryl on this page.

Congratulations Cheryl!!!!!!!
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Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Cheryl!!!!!!!
Wow -- what an accomplishment! It was wonderful of Debi and Joe to get those pictures so the folks at home could see you in *action*. Dave, thanks so much for posting everything.

Way to go!!

JEFFREY said...

Congrats Cheryl! we're proud of you! Does this make you an honorary Marine? Am I encouraged to at least try and jog around the block? I don't think so. We love you, good job, Jeff and Evelyn