Tuesday 8 July 2008

Folklife Photos

Just wanted to share a few pics from the Smithsonian Folklife Festival. They are a bit family related so scroll down to the Don Carlo entry for more of the London blog stuff.
I wanted to let people know I've set up a new place for pictures on the Windows Sky Drive. You get an amazing 5 GB of space for free. At the moment there are a lot more pictures from this set plus a few from Kew Gardens new canopy walk (a blog post will probably come from these soon).
Anyway follow this link to get to the Windows Live Sky Drive.

One last thing for now is that Slam the Cat is having some health issues. We hope it was just something he ate. The vets haven't found anything disease related so hopefully he gets better soon. Here is a picture of Slam vacationing in Hawaii in 2003.
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